Patricia Shetley

I connect with my Guides and my client's Guides to clear sluggish or negative energy in homes, businesses, on land itself, or in one's own energy field. This work results in improved circumstances and physical and/or emotional clarity. Clearings are provided in a virtual call, by phone, or on site d…

Active 1d ago Joined 13 Mar 2024 (GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)

Feedback s'il te plaît

Hey MCM-ers!

I'm following Guillaume's tactic and recommendation and requesting your insights and feedback on a new service that I'm developing.

If you are willing and able, would you review the copy on the link below and share your insights and feedback? They would be incredibly helpful and valuable to me.

Feedback: Training for marketing leaders and creative teams

Sincere thanks!


@Joel Carter I love this training idea! I left a bunch of comments. Please take or leave them as you see fit. :)

Let's Celebrate Guillaume & MCM 🎉🎊🥳🎈🎂

Guillaume has truly built an incredible community of like-minded individuals where we come together to learn, grow, and support each other. I’m beyond grateful for this mastermind—it’s been transformative in so many ways, from reminding me to seek spirit for guidance to grounding myself and approaching things from new perspectives. Guillaume consistently shares valuable insights that we can apply directly to our business and personal growth. Every session leaves me inspired, uplifted, and wishi…


Nakita, thank you for organizing our celebration. My preference is to keep it to our regular Thursday meeting time. And, yes, Guillaume cares so much and has created this incredible space for learning and sharing with curiosity and integrity. Thank you, @Guillaume Wiatr

No Guillaume on October 31st => please vote

I will be in France to visit my family and speak during the last week of October, and I will not be available to facilitate our mastermind call on Thursday, October 31st. As always, we have two options:

  1. We can call that "integration week," allowing you to apply what you’ve learned and work on personal or group projects.

  2. Someone else can use the time slot to present a project or an idea or teach something valuable to the group.

Please comment below to vote.

@Kai Magaldi already told me he is interested in leading a session. Who else? Who would attend? You can also split the hour.

Thank you!


I look forward to your session, Kai.

Why You Should Have A Business Podcast: It's Not What We Think

This morning, I joined a talk with a group of professional service business owners about podcasting. Peter Caputa from Databox shared results from a solid study on why people like us run podcasts. It was striking to learn that linking podcasting to lead generation and revenue isn't straightforward and that the best podcasters aren't focused on these aspects.

Here’s the link to the research data:

As I prepare to launch my own podcast, this information made me rethink my goals and the resources I want to invest in this project. If you're interested, we could discuss this further in one of our calls. Let me know.


Thanks for sharing this information. Podcasting looks like so much work, especially for a solopreneur.

Have you ever wished you always had a reflecting team by your side?

My dear Changemakers and Fathom Users. I was talking to a colleague about a tricky case at a company. However, the meeting did not produce a brilliant idea.

I remembered my coaching training and how we discussed such cases with a reflecting team. Super helpful. But a reflecting team is not always available. But there is AI today. So I "built" one for myself :-)

More specifically, I developed a reflecting team prompt that I use for Fathom.

Now that I have tested it several times, I would like …


Hello, Kai. The document downloaded when I clicked on it and I had no trouble opening it. I don't understand how to to use this document. Maybe I'm not familiar with some of the terminology. I'm not familiar with a reflecting team. Is all the text under that first headline supposed to be given to an AI tool like Chat GPT? I don't understand the instructions that read, "Copy this prompt or adapt it for yourself and simply paste it into "ask Fathom" in your video recording." What "video recording" are we referring to? Is the video recording related to the homework we were given. Could you clarify this document further? Thanks so much.

Kai, I just googled "Fathom." I didn't know what it was when reading your document. This makes a little more sense now. Please ignore my question about the video recording part. Actually, you can probably ignore all my questions. :-)

No Guillaume on August 15th => please vote

I will not be available to facilitate our group coaching call on Thursday, August 15th. As always, we have two options (PLEASE VOTE IN COMMENT BELOW).

  1. We can call that "integration week," allowing you to apply what we’ve learned and work on personal or group projects.
  2. Someone else can use the time slot to present a project or an idea or teach something valuable to the group. If interested, please comment below or reach out directly for help on the topic, format, and preparation. For reference, Bill and Jole did an excellent presentation on resilience in April - see the replay here.
Please let me know by August 1st.


@Guillaume Wiatr I'll be traveling on Aug. 15, so I wouldn't be able to help in any way. But, I appreciate the lead time. Whatever works for others will be what will work for me. Thank you.

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RiseOn Group helps people and entrepreneurs take action and make progress on their goals. 

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